Sunday, March 28, 2010

A little bit of a flower show...

Despite or because of the snow, rain and wind the flowers in the garden are coming up! It's wonderful and I'm enjoying being outside again.

I've had these in the garden. I call them Audrey's Iris. Purple is not one of my favorite colors, but Audrey's Iris is almost a deep purple/black color and I love the throat of it. It is white with a purple streak down the center. I'll be thinning this out after it finishes blooming.

This little guy is my unknown. It came up last year too, and I still don't know what it is or where it came from. It is a tiny flower, maybe not more than 1 inch across. The stem is about 8 inches, if that. It's a cheery flower and it makes me smile.

Around the corner and up the street is a lot where a house burned down. Last spring I was driving past this lot and see all this flower growth coming on. I rushed home grabbed my shovel and bucket and went to save these flowers from a life of oblivion. I really didn't know what I was saving to tell you the truth because none of it was blooming, except for the grape hyacinths.  This snowdrop was a pleasant surprise this spring. I love it and it has such a wonderful scent.

Grape Hyacinths from the same lot.

This is a lavender colored Iris that I saved as well. It looks a little washed out here, but it is beautiful.

This came from the same lot, but on the other side of where I was digging and I got this just a few days ago. I don't know how I missed it last year. It's a miniature jonquil and it smells so sweet. I just love it. Huny doesn't like it because he says the flower is too small.

I have a couple of other things coming up from this rescue mission, but they are blooming yet. I'm excited to see what comes up!

These are my 50cent Hyacinths that I got from WM. They were just a little stubble in the pot and I brought them home and figured they wouldn't grow this year, but surprise! I love them. Hyacinths are one of my favorite Spring flowers. The flower in front is a 50cent daffodil that should be blooming today - hopefully!

This is an heirloom Cemetary White Iris that I got from Petal Pushers last year (Update: Petal Pushers has closed.) and this year it bloomed. I love the yellow beard.  All that greenery you see below the flower are my poppies.

The spineless cactus is from a fellow gardener and it came from TWU. The violet is a stow-away from somewhere. I think it came from Audrey's garden.


I don't know what this is going to be. Hmmmmm.

Audrey gave me these boots for Christmas one year. This spring I'm dressing them up with marigolds. Don't you just love that flower? I have them everywhere in the summer. The little corner behind the boots is my container garden that keeps growing. I have a pot of Marjoram because Huny likes that herb and I use it fresh in a lot of my cooking, there is a pot of alyssum to lure the butterflies and bees, the red flower is a dianthus that we got the first year here (3 years now) that I have divided, divided and divided. It's in every corner of the yard. The butterflies love this flower.

Right behind this is my new garden that I just got started. I going to fill it with herbs and more of the dianthus and we'll see what else. Yesterday Huny was being lumberjack and was splitting wood and one of the last two logs he had to do had a great hole in the center of it. I swiped it to set in this planter. I'm thinking of planting a silver thyme in it. Wouldn't that look pretty coming out over the sides of the log? I haven't started the pictures of that yet, but this is my project for today.

In the house, we have the tile down in the entryway and in the front closet. The baseboards are up and Huny got them painted. There is stuff EVERYWHERE in the house. The sun is shining and who wants to be STUCK inside the house????!!!! And anyway there's no place to put anything yet.

Yoohoo! A great reason to be outside!

Well, the wind has died down from the gale forces of yesterday to a pleasant breeze - thank goodness! It is going to be a great day in the garden! Have a wonderful Sunday! 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Denton Community Market - Opening April 10, 2010

Opening on Saturday, April 10, 2010, The Denton Community Market will be held on the second Saturday of each month through October 2010. Centrally located near the downtown square, the Market respresents the diversity of the Denton community and features a variety of products and services from local farms, artisans and business owners.

Local produce from neighborhood gardens and local farms offer fruits and vegetables, herbs, flowers and floral arrangements, dried spices, honey, coffee and teas, and canned jams and jellies. The farms specifically provide milk, cheese, eggs and meat. There are also offerings from local business, entrepreneurs, non-profits, and social action groups. They provide their products and services on site as well as information about upcoming special events, meetings, and activities. Entertainment is part of the festive environment at the Market. Music is featured from local musicians. Jugglers and other street performers are also present.

This event is new to the Denton Community and we hope that you will visit us this day and every second Saturday and help to make this an event that will become a weekend destination for our city.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What happens when you take......

A couple of placemats that I got from somewhere. Sometimes I really do wonder where it all comes from :) . I really don't know where I got these, but I had them and well, the backs were not in the best of shape and I didn't want to throw them out and I thought about donating them to the thrift store, but in the end I saw


I played with them a bit trying to see what would be the best way to make them and this is what happened. A great way to recycle.

Monday, March 1, 2010

2010 - Year of the Tiger and Tigers - Struggling to Survive

Donate Now to Help Save the Tiger

I am a Tiger.
As few as 3,200 tigers remain in the wild.
For more than a million years, this "King of the Jungle" reigned over a vast territory stretching from Turkey to Russia. Today, sadly, their habitat is disappearing--tigers occupy just seven percent of their historic range.

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2010 is the Year of the Tiger, which commences on February 14, 2010 and ends on February 2, 2011. The Tiger is the third sign in the Chinese Zodiac cycle, and it is a sign of bravery. This courageous and fiery fighter is admired by the ancient Chinese as the sign that keeps away the three main tragedies of a household. These are fire, thieves and ghosts.