A while back I got a hummingbird feeder from Freecycle and have enjoyed my little visitors ever since. I try to keep it filled with sugar water but occasionally I don't get to it until the water is gone. Yesterday was one of those times.
I was working at the computer and kept hearing a trilling sound. In the back of my mind I knew that it was the hummingbird but didn't pay much attention. The trill got louder and each time it got a bit more insistent.
Well, it was Mr. Hummingbird letting me know that his feeder was empty and he was not shy about letting me know about it and that He Was NOT Happy. Plus, it's his local pick up spot for a couple of female hummingbirds that hang around. Can't entice the ladies if there's no food for them.
So, I got up to look and noticed that the feeder was empty and while I was at the door he flew up to the feeder and noticing that it was still empty, turned to the door and trilled at me.
Okay, okay! Sheesh. I took the feeder down, filled it (have to make more sugar water today) and put it back up. I stopped getting trilled at, he got his drink and his ladies are visiting again. All is well.
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