Thursday, October 15, 2009

WAVE OF LIGHT for all the babies ~

I recently found out that my daughter is going to have a baby.  This is exciting news but it is also cautious news. And, I have to admit that I reacted to the news with a lot of fear. Cora lost Theresa Ann 4 years ago due to blood pressure problems and has had trouble with blood pressure since then. We had a doctor appt. this past Monday and the news is very gaurded. Because of her past history, she has a very high-risk pregnancy. The baby is small and there is not enough fluid surrounding the baby. Cora is just at  the time when we lost Theresa and all of us are very concerned. I hope that this time it all goes well.

Every year at Christimas time, the Grand Prairie Memorial Garden has a lovely memorial service and gives out candles to each visitor. I come home and place the candle in a vintage ruby bubble glass and I have it and her sonogram picture on the shelf in my living room. At Christmas I take the glass and place it someplace special in the room so that I can have her with me at Christmas. I pray that I won't have a second glass of candles.

My new grandchild is a girl and her name is Angelique Marie.

Today, I came across this blog and felt so grateful that I did find this. I didn't know that this was out there for those of us that have either lost a baby or have someone, like Cora, that has lost their baby. 

The month of October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month with October 15th being National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. Please join us in lighting a candle tonight at 7PM in loving memory of all the babies. Please visit for additional information.


  1. Thank you for stopping over at For Your Tears.
    Feel free to grab my button:

    I am so sorry for the loss. I will pray for the new little one, may your daughter be blessed with a lovely baby.

  2. "When I am afraid I will trust in the Lord." Ps 56:3
    It was so nice to meet you tonight Teresa. I too will be praying for you and your daughter.

