And then my Huny walked into my life. The man is a sports junkie. If I let him he would watch sports channels all day, every day.
Now I sit and watch every sport there is on TV. I am now hooked on NASCAR ( go Carl Edwards - yoohoo). I watch football, I watch baseball, basketball, GOLF (omg). I sit and watch tv and listen to Huny tell me all kinds of statistics, names, places, who's who and who knows what else and I say, Yes, Dear. (Just don't ask me to repeat any of this because I have NO IDEA, what he is talking about.)
So being the dutiful wife and, okay, now I do kinda get into the sports thing (even though I still have no clue), I watched the Kentucky Derby. Getting into the spirt of the thing, I threw on my cowboy horse shirt, dug out my favorite straw cowboy hat and searched high and low for the trim and feathers to make it into a hat worthy of the Kentucky Derby.
When Huny got home from work he started searching for his BB gun. Never mind that he doesn't even own one. HaHa.
I gave him my appropriate Derby nose and asked him if he wanted me to fix him a hat too. Well, he said no way.
In lieu of the Mint Julip, I plucked a sprig of spearmint sat back and enjoyed the show with my trigger happy Huny.
I hope you had a wonderful day today as well!
I planted some spearmint seeds recently, and can't wait to make mint juleps and mojitos this summer.