I feel for the familes that have been affected by this latest flu bug. Loved ones have died and that is sadness.
Familes and communities have been affected in other ways as well. Schools are closed putting an extra burden on the parents that have to find some way to have their children cared for during the day while they are at work. Most parents can't take the time off to be at home because this job is all they have to keep their family above water. Businesses are losing their livelihood because no one is going there to shop or eat. Families are confined to their homes. I heard this morning about a father that took his children to the gym at a Marine base and was turned away - not because he or his children were or had been ill, but because his children attended a school where three children had confirmed cases of the flu.
Events across the nation are being cancelled. Most of these events have vendors that to most of them an event is another avenue of how to sell their product and make a living. All of this adds to an already troubled economy. In my community the opening day of Lewisville Farmers' Market and the Cinco de Mayo event was cancelled.
And then today, I heard that the whole thing was blown out of proportion. That yes, it is a bad thing that is happening, it is just not the big, badness that it was made out to be.
Whether that is true or not, I don't know. I don't know what the answer is or what the right action to take is.
Like you, I don't want my family to become affected by this flu or any other flu, or sickness, or anything. But I also don't want to confine my family and be afraid of living life.
Like our grandmother and mother said, wash you hands. Be careful. Be aware.

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